If you purchased a subscription with automatic renewal, you will be informed at least 7 days before it expires with information about the date of the upcoming charge and the amount you will be charged. 

How do I change my automatic renewal option?

You can stop automatic renewals anytime by simply logging into the My Products section of your Account and clicking the "Stop automatic license renewal" link beneath each product that has the option enabled.

How do I sign into my iolo Account?

From the iolo technologies website

  1. From the iolo technologies web site, click My Account in the top-right corner of any page.

  2. From the main Account page, if you already have an account click the Login now button under Already have an account, enter your information and click Login.

  3. If you do not have an account, enter your order number or email address that you used when placing the order and click Submit. You will be sent an email with instructions for logging in.

From your order confirmation email

  1. From the iolo technologies payment receipt email you received after purchasing your product, click on the link under Manage Your Account or under Change your automatic renewal settings.
  2. Once you are at the Account website, login to view and change your settings.

  3. If you do not have an account to log in with, enter your order number or email address that you used when placing the order and click Submit. You will be sent an email with instructions.

Navigate directly to the Account website

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to https://www.iolo.com/myaccount/.

  2. Follow either of the above instructions for logging in or creating your account.

For further information please see our main iolo My Account Frequently Asked Questions knowledgebase article here.