.NET Framework is a very important component of Microsoft Windows which is highly essential for the proper installation and running of iolo technologies' products such as our flagship System Mechanic product line. The .Net Framework is normally something that is installed during the course of Windows applying patches and updates. However, sometimes Windows users put off, or otherwise defer, updating Windows and might fall behind in critical .Net updates that are essential for the proper running of installed software that depends on the framework.
Iolo technologies' products always depend on the latest available version of the .Net Framework so it is essential to maintain it at the most current Microsoft released version. During the course of contacting iolo technologies Customer Care for product assistance, it is a requirement that the Windows .Net Framework be up to date so as to provide proper troubleshooting and support.
Find .Net Framework Version By Command Prompt
To find out what version of the Windows .Net Framework you have installed on your system, please follow the steps below or visit some of the helpful resources for information or downloading Windows .Net Framework.
- From the Run dialog or Start Menu search dialog (Cortana search field) type CMD and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Type the following at the prompt, including quotes:
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\v4" /s - Click Enter on your keyboard and you will see a list generated in the window. If you see version 4.7.xxxxx or greater (most currently available version as of this writing) you are good. Otherwise, please navigate to the Microsoft .Net Framework download page to download the most current version.
Other Resources
How To Determine Your .Net Framework Version
How to Check .Net Framework Version (SmartDoc)
What Is the Microsoft .NET Framework, and Why Is It Installed on My PC? (How To Geek)